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Our EAN-13 barcode numbers start with 07, and can be used in India and abroad. If you are looking to buy barcodes starting with 890, please see here.
Note: You can legally buy 890 barcodes only from GS1 India. Please be careful of fake sellers claiming to sell 890 numbers.
You will receive:
- Genuine, unused GS1-compliant barcode number starting with ’07’ which work worldwide.
- Barcode images (in 4 different formats for convenience).
- Barcode registration.
- Certificate of GTIN Assignment (see a sample certificate).
- Immediate delivery – all files will be emailed to you as soon as the order has been made.
- No forms to fill out, no membership fees or other recurring fees. Pay once and own the barcodes for life.
The more you buy, the cheaper the per-barcode price. You can buy more than you need and use the barcodes on products in future – no need to assign barcodes right away. You become the legal owner of the barcodes for life and can use them as you wish.
18% GST applicable on all prices.
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Price: ₹2,150
Price per barcode = ₹2,150
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Bulk barcode packages